1ud. € 4,00
3ud. € 10,00
5ud. € 15,00
10ud. € 27,50
25ud. € 67,50

Black Domina Features

The characteristics of this seed are: dense, compact size and considerable resin production, as well as rapid growth.

The plant also achieves qualities like large, dark green fan-shaped leaves and elongated petals.

Although it blooms a little later than usual, its typology makes it quite unique.

If a grower is interested in getting the most out of these specimens, he must carefully select the female seeds to enjoy a product of the highest quality.

It is ready between 50 and 60 days after flowering, with a large production and flowers covered with abundant resin.

If you want to grow it outdoors, you should do it at the beginning of April to obtain a high yield.