1ud. € 12.00
3ud. € 23.00
5ud. € 36.50
10ud. € 70.00
Type: INDICA 90 % - SATIVA 10 %

White Label Nicole Hindu Kush Feminized is a sturdy strain, with dark foliage, strong branching and a heavy central cola.

Descended from varieties bred to perform well in a harsh mountain environment, White Label Nicole Hindu Kush is a hardy, low-maintenance strain suitable for beginners and experts alike.

It offers extremely high yields.

Growth pattern of Nicole Hindu Kush by White Label

Nicole Hindu Kush Feminized by White Label is 90% indica, 10% sativa. Moderate indica height gain in the blooming period means that indoor growers aiming for medium-to-large plants should give a longer vegetation period.

This lets the plants reach about half their desired final size before inducing flowering.

This feminized seed strain has a quick flowering period of seven to nine weeks. As blooming progresses, calyxes cluster thickly around its bracts and upper stem, forming solid buds.

Like many indicas, the floral clusters of Nicole Hindu Kush tend to multiply at the nodes, rather than running along the branches.

In later weeks, its calyxes take on a silvery sheen of resin glands.

They swell and pile on top on of one another, forming large, hard buds.

This flowering pattern means the compact White Label Nicole Hindu Kush feminized plants give a much greater yield than taller sativa-heavy hybrids.

Mature Nicole Hindu Kush buds are dense and sticky, with the thick coating of resin glands characteristic of high-altitude cannabis indica strains.

Buds are composed of large, rounded, tightly packed calyxes. These may display purple and blue hues toward the end of the blooming period.

Taste, smell and effect of Nicole Hindu Kush Feminized by White Label

This strain doesn’t produce much odour during cultivation, but the dried buds have a rich and complex aroma of sweet sandalwood, with notes of incense and lemongrass.

The effect of Nicole Hindu Kush is most commonly described as relaxing, contemplative and euphoric.

Above all else, most agree that it’s very powerful.

Inexperienced consumers are advised to sample this strain in moderation, and even cannabis enthusiasts with a high tolerance for cannabinoids should handle it with care.

This hybrid’s mostly-indica genetic background means that Nicole Hindu Kush tends to produce high levels of both THC and CBD.