3ud. € 35.00
5ud. € 50.00

Txaki (TX-1) by Medical Marijuana Genetics is a sativa-dominant medical marijuana strain with high medicinal potential that despite her good yields and excellent production is rather easy to grow.

The cross between a superbly tasting Tijuana from Mexico and a Candida CD-1 CBD strain is well-suited for many types of growing setups and you can grow her outdoors, indoors or in a greenhouse.

Note that Txaki doesn’t exactly hold back when it comes to her growing vigour.

If you grow her outdoors in ideal conditions she can become a rather tall plant so you want to make sure that she has plenty of room to grow.

Indoors, you can expect respectable yields from 300-500g/m².

Thanks to her stellar genetics, Txaki is a highly productive strain that grows an abundance of glistening buds that will be oozing with resin when she goes into flower.

Because of this she can be an ideal medicinal strain for all those growers who want a plant that’s suitable for extracts and other CBD products.

Her flowering time is 10-11 weeks.

Measured in the lab, Txaki has shown from 8.9 to 17.5% CBD with a low-to-medium THC content that can range from 4.5 to 11.4%.

This makes Txaki a good medicinal strain for those users who like to enjoy their medicine with a mild high but without the effect being too overbearing as can be the case with some high THC strains.

Her medicinal potential makes Txaki a good cannabis variety that can help with the relief of symptoms of many conditions including chronic pains, anorexia, ADD/ADHD, depression and many more.

Txaki (TX-1) by Medical Marijuana Seeds is an excellent CBD rich strain that combines the healing potential of a high-CBD strain with a pleasantly mild high.

Together with her other qualities, like the ease to grow her and her good yields and production, this is a CBD rich strain that can be fully recommended!